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Recognizing Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

 Posted on September 21,2023 in Personal Injury

Untitled---2023-09-21T120813.850.jpgChoosing a nursing home for a loved one is a significant decision. Families want to make sure their loved one is provided with the best possible care and quality of life. However, once their elderly loved one is in the nursing home, it is important for their families to remain vigilant about the care they are receiving. Knowing what signs to watch for can help protect your loved one. If you do suspect they are being abused or neglected, call an Illinois nursing home abuse attorney right away.

Physical Signs of Abuse or Neglect

Physical signs are among the most visible signs of nursing home abuse or neglect. Families should watch for:

  • Unexplained injuries - Bruises, cuts, fractures, or bedsores that cannot be adequately explained or are recurring can mean abuse.

  • Rapid weight loss - Sudden and significant weight loss can be a sign of malnutrition or dehydration, often resulting from neglect.

  • Poor hygiene - Foul odors, soiled clothing or bedding, and inadequate personal hygiene can mean neglect.

  • Medication mismanagement - Failure to administer medications as prescribed or administering incorrect dosages can be harmful and is a sign of negligence.

Emotional and Behavioral Changes

Changes in your loved one’s behavior or emotional well-being can be subtle but are important to watch for. The following are some behaviors that could mean your loved one is being abused or neglected:

  • Depression or anxiety - Unexplained mood changes, withdrawal, or increased anxiety may signal emotional abuse or neglect.

  • Agitation or aggression - Sudden anger, aggression, or agitation could be a reaction to abuse or frustration with poor care.

  • Social isolation - If a loved one becomes increasingly isolated or refuses contact with family and friends, it may be a response to abuse or neglect.

  • Fear or apathy - A resident who exhibits signs of fear or apathy when staff members are present may be experiencing mistreatment.

Decline in Physical Health

A noticeable decline in a resident's physical health should raise concerns. Some of the more common signs are:

  • Frequent illnesses - Repeated illnesses or infections may be due to unsanitary conditions or inadequate care.

  • Worsening chronic conditions - If chronic medical conditions are not adequately managed, it can result in a decline in health.

  • Untreated medical issues - Failure to address medical concerns promptly can lead to deteriorating health and suffering.

Unexplained Financial Transactions

Financial exploitation is also a form of abuse that targets elderly and vulnerable residents. Signs of possible financial abuse include:

  • Unauthorized withdrawals - Unexplained withdrawals from a resident's bank account or changes to their financial documents.

  • Missing personal belongings - Valuable possessions or personal belongings disappearing without explanation.

  • Coercion or manipulation - A resident expressing concerns about staff members pressuring them to make financial decisions.

Contact a DuPage County Nursing Home Abuse Attorney for Legal Help

If you suspect your elderly loved one is being abused or neglected, it is important to keep a record of any incidents, including dates, times, and descriptions of what you saw. You should also speak with management at the facility about your concerns and request an investigation. A Lombard nursing home abuse attorney can help you report the abuse to the appropriate authorities to report the abuse, as well as pursue legal action against those who are responsible. Call Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation and find out what your family’s legal options are.

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