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Lawyer Claims Ex-Wife Got Half in Divorce After Attorney Was in Lust with Opposition

 Posted on October 11, 2012 in Family Law

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A lawyer in Illinois has spilled the dirtiest details about his life with his allegedly abusive ex-wife, claiming she doused him with boiling water and threw knives and scissors at him.

The lawyer, identified only as Christian, told the Chicago Sun-Times he met Alana, a dancer, more than 15 years ago through friends who thought the pair would be a perfect match.

They married six months later.

“She was tall, with a dancer’s posture, extremely attractive with exotic looks," Christian told the Sun-Times. "She had a very interactive, engaging personality.”

But things quickly went downhill for the happy couple.

"She would drop hints that they [family members] were bad people, and then claim to be a victim. At the same time, she sabotaged all of my relationships with my friends, going so far as to call them and tell them off, allegedly on my instructions," Christian said, adding that Alana broke two of his ribs with her dancer kicks, threw boiling water in his face, and threw knives and scissors at him.

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Officer Injured while Responding to Shooting Incident

 Posted on October 08, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Annulment in Illinois – Making the Split About More Than Just Divorce

 Posted on October 05, 2012 in Family Law

In Illinois, an annulment is called a "declaration of invalidity of marriage". It is a court order declaring that a marriage is not valid, and should not be recognized by the state. An annulment is different from a divorce because a divorce is a legal declaration that a valid marriage is over.

In Illinois there are five reasons for a marriage annulment. The grounds declaring a marriage invalid specified under Illinois law (and the time limits by which a case must be filed) are:

- Coercion or duress (the classic "shotgun wedding"). Within 90 days of learning of the condition

- Mental incapacity (either due to mental deficiencies or the influence of alcohol or drugs). Within 90 days of learning of the condition.

- Fraud. Under Illinois' annulment law, the term "fraud" refers to a fraud involving "the essentials of the marriage." That generally means the ability to have kids and has nothing to do with representations as to wealth or social standing. Within 90 days of learning of the condition.

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Elgin Teen Charged with Aggravated DUI in Car Crash

 Posted on October 05, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Chicago Sees Multiple Accidents On September 17

 Posted on October 02, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Studies Confirm: Almost Every Second Marriage Ends in Divorce

 Posted on September 30, 2012 in Family Law

Married Couple Hand in HandAccording to an article in the Time Magazine, there is some truth to the saying that “50% of all marriages end in divorce.” However, this figure is not entirely truthful. First of all, it’s not easy to figure out divorce rates. Marital data is not collected in all states, and there are a lot of numerical differences between studies. The author of a marriage guide book and a New York Times reporter, Tara Parker-Pope, also casts doubt on the popular claim. She claims that marital stability appears to be improving every decade. For instance, in the 1970’s, 23% of college graduates who got married divorced within 10 years. Twenty years later, the rate dropped by 7 percentage points.

Another source suggests that divorce rates are age-dependent. In the 80’s, 81% of college graduates who were 26 or older and got married in that decade had not divorced after 20 years of marriage. 35% of college graduates who were younger than 26 at the time of their marriage divorced within 20 years.

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Illinois Trucker Charged in Nine Felony Counts Related to Roadside Nebraska Crash

 Posted on September 29, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Illinois Traffic Deaths on the Rise in 2012 Despite IDOT Efforts

 Posted on September 26, 2012 in Personal Injury

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Paternity Frauds Common Enough to Warrant Concern

 Posted on September 24, 2012 in Family Law

PaternityIt used to be that almost anything other than holding hands was strictly forbidden before marriage. However, in today’s western societies, it’s quite normal to become engaged in sexual relationships long before marriage is even considered. Television is dominated by reality shows where young singles pursue all kinds of relationships, and tabloids are full of stories about celebrities who switch partners more often than they change their underwear. In today's culture, it’s not always clear who the biological parents of a child are.  This presents many legal problems, for example, child support, custody, and paternity issues. Some cases have been reported over the years where the mother of a child has lied about who her child’s biological father is and tried to get child support payments from another man who she claims is the bio-dad. According to one study, paternal discrepancy (i.e. a child is identified as being biologically fathered by someone other than the man who believes he is the father) rates “vary between studies from 0.8% to 30%.” Luckily, a paternity test can be taken to set the records straight.

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Former Illinois Trooper Denied Bid to Reinstate Driver's License

 Posted on September 23, 2012 in Personal Injury

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